The shopping bags are pretty easy to carry along but tend to be quite bulky, and make it quite hard to locate something you need in a pinch. I always end up digging and digging through the bag trying to find what I need. There are no compartments to keep anything in, so I always tried to turn back to one of my various diaper bags.
I finally ended up with the Skip Hop Duo Double Deluxe. I loved it, I really did. Well, really I just wanted to love it. Now don't get me wrong, it is a really nice diaper bag. It has a lot of great compartments. It is nice, stylish, easy to carry, and has these great shuttle clips that clip it to your double stroller. However if you pack the diaper bag 75% full of stuff you will need for your Twins(or more)......It will tip your stroller over, seriously.
Picture this,
WOW are you winded!
So when you get home, later on you decide to re-pack that diaper bag. You pull out a few things you do need but can sort of live without. Then next time, you think it will be fine but it PULLS THE STROLLER DOWN AGAIN, WTF!!
This obviously will never work, so you go back to keeping the diaper bag in the van and just carrying a few mega essentials with you in a re-usable shopping bag. boo.
Diaper bags yarrrrrrrrr!
I really just want to stop this re-usable shopping bag madness, I normally have 2-3 with me full of stuff. Yikes! It never works out well. Plus now that my Twins are almost 3 years old, they often just walk with me holding my hand. This poses to be an issue if you are lugging a re-usable shopping bag too. I recently asked my FaceBook Mommy friends if they knew of a decent backpack that has a cooler compartment in it. I am always carrying the cooler bag with us too!! I carry a lot of bags with us!! I was shown the link to this Picnic Time Zuma Insulated Cooler Backpack.
It looked good, so I ordered it. I do like it, it is nice. I just hope it works out for me. I do have some pretty major back problems. It really does eliminate the need to carry a cooler bag and a diaper bag though. I love it so far. I really do feel I will continue to keep my Skip Hop duo double in the van though. It is a really nice bag. I just do not wish to carry it along with me. It is really bulky and, well it pulls my stroller down if packed 75% full. It does have it's place in my life though.
So, I ordered the Picnic Time Zuma Insulated Cooler Backpack in black but before I chose that color, I looked at the other colors. I could not help but to laugh at this fluorescent lime green one. I was joking with my friend Lisa from Mommying on the Fly about how if I had the fluorescent lime green one, low flying planes could spot me at night. hahahhahahha Ok I guess ya had to be there. :)
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and by the way... that florescent green one would soooo be great for a MOM... it'd be like a GIANT beacon.. lol..
ReplyDeleteYAY... glad you found one you liked... I HATE it.. (not your bag sweetie.. lol) The fact that we have like a gazillion bags of all different styles,and sizes.. TRYING to find the right fit for us... lol..
ReplyDeleteAh, I miss the days of having a diaper bag. I was a serious collector! (found you through the blog hop!)
ReplyDeleteLike you I carry so many bags and we use the reusable grocery bags to with a baseball team on them for my 5 & 7 year olds. I have found I like the over the shoulder sling for my diaper bag. It keeps it from falling down my arm as I have to pick up kids and other bags. But with our impending new one we have outgrown it.