Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's Birthday Week Again!

That's right, it's that crazy time of year again: Birthday Week in the Hunt house! It's crazy! We have six birthdays in 5 days, including the triplets and their brother Liam. The triplets actually started out as quadruplets, and when Liam came along he was due on their birthday. He was just late to the party.This year, I found myself reflecting on their birth more than I usually do. I mean, birthdays are about the kids, right? But the triplets birth was my birth as a mother, and something about the number 11 (hey, that's 3 in binary!) just...

Monday, October 11, 2010

*older post from my personal blog* -- Miracle Blankets

The very best investment my husband and I made was to buy four miracle blankets before our twins were born and they have come to the rescue for us. They really are very serious when they call it a miracle blanket. If used properly this blanket can bring you and your babies endless nights of sleeping joy. They not only calm your baby when fussy and make them feel secure but help them to sleep better, more soundly, and longer.We bought four of them...

*older post from my personal blog* -- Great Bath tub

They finally had their 1st bath together!So....Finally we have a baby bath tub I LOVE and they do too! I had the Fisher Price aquarium tub for them but hated how the design was. They never have fit into it right and every bath was awkward. I was so frustrated with that tub. I finally said forget it after many months of trying to make it work and hoped that when they got bigger they would fit in it better. Well there is no way around the fact that...

*older post from my personal blog* -- Jumperoo

Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo Cute but not perfect.I purchased the Rainforest Jumperoo for my twins. and it is a pretty nice product. My twins enjoy it when they play in it but there are a few faults to this product.First off there is absolutely no padding in the seat. The baby will have their tummy against hard, lumpy, edgy plastic. We solved this issue by padding around the entire seat with some nice receiving blankets to avoid any pain or injury...

*older post from my personal blog* -- Play Nest :)

Galt Playnest & GymAge Range: birth-toddler and beyondPrice Range: $75-$85Product Description:A soft supporting multi-sensory environment for baby, Playnest features a fun farm scene with the gym as the sky above. The five gym toys are different on each side to give varied colours and patterns to provide visual stimulation and may be rearranged on the colourful links to create a changing environment. A guide gives suggestions on how to use the...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

InStep Safari Swivel Wheel Double Jogger

Our double jogger arrived the other. The front tire was slightly challenging at first to attach..but it was not too bad. The stroller is really nice. It glides nicely and is comparable to the $600-$800 double joggers. I paid $172.26 for it. Graham and Parker enjoyed it as much as our Peg Perego. They even wanted to stay in it longer after our walk!!So far so good, we took it to Sea World yesterday and all went well.  They seemed to enjoy the...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Choo Choo Wagon

New Blog!!

Choo Choo Wagon

New Blog!!


   Choo Choo WagonToday the choo choo wagon by Step2 went on sale.  It had been out of production for quite some time.This wagon is awesome and so popular with the Moms of Triplets & Quads. & Twin Moms too!  :)I bought one for my Twins!  I plan to use it for certain playdates and when they finally decide they will not ride in a stroller anymore.. I will have my next solution to managing twins on the go!! ...